The Importance of Finding the Right Packaging Machines Supplier

Purchasing the correct equipment for a successful business can be perplexing and trying. Beyond figuring out the simplest methods of manufacturing the finest product, in a way that will assure revenue, there are numerous other elements to consider. Figuring out whether you require a sleeve wrap-around machine or tray erector technology takes unique expertise. Professionals …

A Brief History of Food Packaging

The history of food packaging is quite short, considering the impact it has had on the food industry. Not so long ago the food people consumed depended on localized conditions, and even in our grandparents’ time, “exotic” food were a rarity. As industries developed over time, manufacturing processes improved and the impending need for food …

Advances in Packing, Providing Abundance and Variety

For most people living in today’s modern society visiting the supermarket and having access to food or medicine prepared elsewhere and delivered right to their hand is a given, something that is completely taken for granted. Understanding the necessary means taken in order to provide safe products, with consistent quality, and taking into account the …

Consumer Society’s Biggest Problem

Living in a capitalistic society, there seems like there is no end to the new products introduced on a daily basis. No longer is money spending an urgent necessity, but the modern world introduces luxury items as a must for twenty-first-century living. The psychological need to upgrade your phone, invest in a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner …

Are Machines the Ultimate Asset of Mankind?

There are several theories pertaining the anomaly that is the human race. Philosophers regard the progress of human thought, the communication abilities and the technical capabilities that differentiate our species from every other animal as an evolutionary mistake. It is difficult to pinpoint where the leap in human facility originated. When did humans make the …

The Best Utilities for Optimal Work

Starting a business with the potential of becoming a successful brand, might seem like a straightforward process. Assembling a qualified work team, raising the initial funds and getting to work does not sound very complicated. Yet, in today’s capitalist market, a company can very quickly flounder if things like cost efficiency, shipping capabilities, and proper …

Automation and the Advancement of Humanity

When print was invented, it is safe to assume humans did not know the monumental progress that would stem from this idea and how it would irrefutably change human history allowing knowledge of the ages to be passed on, document change and bring about progress. In the same way, automation machines have instigated progress and …

Ecommerce and Its Effect on Packaging

The world of packaging has always used agreed upon concepts-a package must ideally hold the product, not only in the way that ensures safekeeping but also in an enticing, exceptional manner. A successful, strong brand is set apart with high-end design that takes into account the best possible way of encasing an item, in terms …


Warsaw Pack is the leading exhibition in Poland for the packaging industry. A wide diversity of packaging machinery, equipment, logistic services and materials suppliers from around the globe take part in the expo. This year Lead Technologies participates together with KRAM – our representative in Poland. Visit us at Booth A17, Hall E and see how our innovative machines can work …


Agro Prod Mash is the leading equipment, ingredients and machinery exhibition in Russia for the food processing industry. Lead Technologies’ Russian office professional and experienced staff is available at our stand from 09 to 13 October 2017.